Affirmative my friends. There are, indeed, some writing efforts here and there. Real writing is a new effort for me and it’s taking a little bit of getting used to. Some of what I have written is already taking on a life of its own. I recall Stephen King once stating something similar in that, he’ll start a story with an idea, but the characters and story move to their own beat, rhythm and flow. Not his words, but it’s what I took from him.
What I have in spades are notes. Notes upon notes upon notes of what I envision my main story to be about. It includes character backgrounds, locations, scenes, and especially the five senses. Yet my notes contain something more than that. They contain questions. Big questions. The kind that I want to ask and to perhaps explore plausible, fictional answers to advance the storyline(s).
I don’t have anything to release to the public just yet. Not the working title, concepts, or anything. No, not yet. But I will provide some paragraphs soon to give you an idea of how I want to write these stories.
Oh, and one last thing. If I can discipline myself, I will try to get a manuscript out by January 2020 at the latest. Hopefully I will have some short stories penned and published before that time. I’ll share the stories here as I release them.